Spiritual and Physical Worlds
and Physical worlds coexist. When we combine trust, confidence, expectation and
obedience with our Faith in God’s promises, then spiritual miracles will start
to materialize and become part of our physical world. If we doubt, then miracles
start to dissolve. The Holy Spirit guides us and in the Name of Jesus, He helps us to experience
God’s Kingdom and His Will on this physical earth now as it is in spiritual Heaven.
disease, anxiety, stress, worry, bad times, etc. are sneaking into your life to
destroy and kill you. They want you to believe that you have to pay for your
sins. Payment is required, but Jesus already paid for ALL of your sins and He
suffered to heal all your illnesses and worries. Never doubt this: Christ fought
the battle, won and everything is PAID IN FULL. Jesus has ALL AUTHORITY and He
commands the enemy to LEAVE RIGHT NOW (with all his lies and deceptions) and to NEVER RETURN.
The Blood
of Jesus washes away your sins. He will set you free from your bad choices.
Confess your sins and ask Jesus to please forgive you because you have no
intention of ever repeating these sins. Remember that, in order to be forgiven,
you must ask Jesus to help you forgive anyone who has ever wronged you.
We have
been commanded by Jesus to eliminate illness (“Go and Heal the sick!”) ... it
is our responsibility to trust and obey. Know that the Lord is always FOR YOU,
WITH YOU and IN YOU. With Jesus, you can do all things, you are more than a
conqueror. Jesus says, “Your Faith has healed you. Go and sin no more.”
Once you
are healed, share God’s love and Jesus’ victory by bringing healing to others
... friends, family and anyone who needs help. Ask the Holy Spirit to
guide you in this assignment.
Freely you have received ... freely give.
way to connect to God’s constant love, forgiveness, healing, comfort, joy and
peace is through Jesus Christ who took all our sins, worries, illnesses, etc.
upon Himself and spiritually paid for our freedom so we could receive all of
God’s blessings. Please let Jesus live in your heart and soul. He is the ONLY
Way, the Truth and the Life.