It is ALWAYS God’s Will to heal you. Think of sickness & disease as if it were an evil person who has been hired by the enemy to destroy and kill you. Do NOT welcome Mr. Sick into your life by believing that it is God’s will (because it isn’t). Do NOT accept Mr. Sick ... you must refuse to be his victim! Tell Mr. Sick that your healing has already been accomplished by Christ. You are no longer a prisoner of illness, Jesus is your antidote,you belong to Christ and He lives in your heart. Jesus is the Truth and He will Set you Free.
Trust that Jesus has already healed you by His wounds and by the stripes on His body. The battle has already been fought and won by Jesus. Tell Mr. Sick that Jesus (who has ALL AUTHORITY) commands him to LEAVE right now and to NEVER RETURN. Then command your body to begin to heal (for example: YOU need to be delivered first from YOUR bad habit of smoking before your lungs are totally healed.)
The Blood of Jesus will wash away your sins. He will set you free from your bad choices. Confess your sins and ask Jesus to please forgive you because you have no intention of ever repeating these sins. You must also forgive anyone who has ever wronged you.
We have been commanded by Jesus to eliminate Mr. Sick (“Go and Heal the sick!”) ... it is our responsibility to trust and obey. Know that the Lord is always FOR YOU, WITH YOU and IN YOU. With Jesus, you can do all things, you are more than a conqueror. Jesus says, “Your Faith has healed you. Go and sin no more.”
Once you are healed, share God’s love and Jesus’ victory by bringing healing to others... friends, family and anyone who needs help. Ask the Holy Spirit of God to guide you in this assignment. Freely give as you have been freely given.
Be Healed ... Always ... In the Name of Jesus