GIVING is Not ‘Mission Impossible’

In what little ways is God asking us as individuals and as a faith community to help reveal grace to others?  What has been placed in our care to pass onto others, small as it might be?  Little is always much in the hands of Christ.

Worship Focus - What gifts are we holding back because we think they are "too little"?  God can multiply even our smallest gifts in ways that allow people to be restored.  

Supporting scripture:
There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish.”  John 6:9

Yesterday's Senior Dinner Event was a great example of GIVING. We had so many volunteers who cheerfully gave so much of their time and effort, as well as, financial contributions to make the event a success.

There are 5 basic rules of giving we should not forget:

1. God loves a cheerful giver
If you are going to be unhappy to let go of your time, your love, your money, etc. then God would rather you did not give.

2. You can NEVER outgive God
We know that everything belongs to God. God uses us as His ambassadors to transport what He has given us to help others. God will give you the desires of your heart. You will reap in abundance what you sow.

3. The gates of Heaven will be opened.
God will bless you in so many ways for being a cheerful and loving giver. It will come back to you financially or in other types of blessings for your family.

4. God will multiply what you give.
In the same way that he took a small boy's lunch and fed over 10,000 people, God will multiply all you give.

5. God allows us to test Him when it comes to giving. Malachi 3:10 says:

"Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.